
© Anaisa Franco Studio •  All Rights Reserved.


Anaisa Franco specializes in integrating parametric digital fabrication mixed with technology with a mission to activate the body and the public space through a playful and interactive approach. Her pieces reflect the curved and smooth forms found in basic life at the molecular and macro levels, connecting and reshaping the way we view the world.

Her collaborative creative Studio is constantly prototyping new digital fabrication techniques, experimenting with new materials and technology to apply in future projects. 

With two decades of dedicated work, she has completed 40 interactive projects exhibited in the USA, China, Taiwan, Korea, Australia, Brazil, Ireland, UK, Germany, Switzerland, Spain, France, Portugal, Italy and The Netherlands.


The studio cooperates with several fabrication companies worldwide and professionals such as architects, computational designers, software and structural engineers, programmers, and musicians. Please, check in CREDITS of each work for more details on collaboration and cooperation.



2018-19 Master of Advanced Architecture at IAAC Institute of Advanced Architecture of Catalonia, Barcelona. Spain.
2016-17 Master of Architecture M-Arch1 at SCI-Arc, Southern Institute of California, Los Angeles, USA.
2006-7 MA Master in Digital Art and Technology at the University of Plymouth, UK.
2000-4 Visual Arts at FAAP Fundação Armando Álvares Penteado, São Paulo, Brazil.


2024 - COSMIC EYE, Temporary Public Art commissioned by LO PATI, located in Amposta, Catalunia, Spain.
2024 - SOLAR HIVE, Temporary Public Art commissioned by IGNITE BROWARD, located in MAD Art Space, Miami, USA.
2023 - EMBRACED LOOP, Won Public Art competition for Permanent Public Art located in Dublin, Ireland.
2023- VIBRANT MERIDIAN, NY State, USA. Won International competition for Permanent Public Art at Nanotechnology Center Marcy Nanocenter.
2022- TRINITY LOOP, Ireland. Permanent Public Art commissioned by Per Cent for Art scheme.
2021- ENTANGLEMENTS, Sydney. Temporary Public Art commissioned by VIVID Sydney. Work was produced but not exhibited because of COVID.
2020- WAVE OF RAINBOW, France. Temporary Public Art commissioned by Annecy Paysages.
2019- EXPANDED ID, China. Temporary Public Art commissioned by City Life Festival, Shanghai.
2016- SWEET REFLECTION, Brasil. Temporary Public Art commissioned by URBE
2015- HEART OF THE CITY, Australia. Temporary Public Art commissioned by VIVID SYDNEY
2012- WAVE OF RAINBOW, China. Temporary Public Art commissioned by Public Art academy


2022- Solo Museum show at CAB, Centro de Arte Contemporaneo Caja de Burgos. Burgos, Spain. “Reshanping Ids, connecting realities”. From 4 feb- 22 May 2022.
2021- Green Wave at Ciclo Terrassa Comissariat 21. “Ciudad, el futuro no tiene fecha. Sala Muncunill, Terrassa. From May 22nd to June 22nd.
2020- Love Synth. Individual at Adora Calvo Gallery, Salamanca, Spain. From Nov 10th until Dec 10th.
2019- Expanded ID. Individual at LUME Gallery, Sao Paulo, Brasil. FromJune 18th until July 19th.
2018- Circulatory System. Individual at Adora Calvo Gallery, Salamanca, Spain. FromJune 19th until July 19th.
2016- Heart Dialogue, Anaisa Franco. Galeria Lume, São Paulo, Brasil. From 18 Feb until 18 April.
2016- Psicossomáticos. Temporada de Projetos, Paço das Artes, São Paulo, Brasil. From 28 Jan until 28 March.
2013- Onirical Reflections. Anaisa Franco. Individual at Charlot Gallery, Paris. France. From Nov 27th until Dec 27th.
2013- Onirical Fluctuations. Anaisa Franco. Individual at Galeria Central, São Paulo. Brazil. From Nov 6th until Dec 6th.
2011-ThoughtOut Breathing, Anaisa Franco. Individual at Adora Calvo gallery, Salamanca, Spain. From May 6th until June 6th.


2023- PANORAMIC. Fundacion Luis Coromina, Barcelona, Spain. From Nov - Dec, 2023.
2023- NOVA Biennial of Art and Technology at Museum of Tomorrow. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. From 19th Sept - 19th Nov, 2023.
2023- FILE Internacional Festival of Eletronic Language. Sao Paulo, Brazil. From 5th of July - 27th of August, 2023.
2023- SMART LIGHTS. Farol Santader, Porto Alegre, Brazil. From 19th of July - 19th September, 2023.
2023- Phigital Cities of the Future. MADArts, Miami, USA. From 31st of Feb - 31st of April, 2023.

2022- Light Festival Illuminart, Zurich Lake, Switzerland. From 1-4 Dec
2022- CRIATECH Art & Technology Festival. Aveiro, Portugal. From Oct-Nov 2022

2021- SP Arte, Sao Paulo, Brazil. Oct, 2021.
2021- ARS ELECTRONICA FESTIVAL at Canodrom, Barcelona. From Sept - Oct, 2021.
2021- VIVID SYDNEY 2021. Cancelled because of COVID.
2021- Maquina Loca Exhbition at Teatrols del Canal in Madrid. From 5-14 March.
2021- Eufonics, Ars Santa Monica, Barcelona. From Feb 1st to 28th.

2020- Fundació Suñol. Barcelona, Spain. From July to September.
2020- Eufonics Festival. Delta del Lebre, Spain. From 28th to 30th August. 
2020- Annecy Paysages. Annecy, Fance. From July 4th until September 27th. 

2019- Oi Futuro. Rio de Janeiro. Circulatory System. From 8 July until 2nd August.
2019- City life Festival in Shanghai, China. From 1st October until May 2019

2018- LLUM Festival, Barcelona, Spain. February. Piece in collaboration with IAAC.
2018- FACES. Beep Art Collection at Baluard. Barcelona, Spain. From 30th January until 30 April.
2018- FILE no CCBB Centro Cultural Banco do Brazil em Belo Horizonte. January 19th until March 19th.

2017- Homeostase @ The Wrong, New Digital Art Bienalle. CCSP. Centro Cultural São Paulo. 22 nov until 31st January.
2017- Dry Photo, Prato, Italy. October 6th. Curator Alba Braza.
2017- XX Mostra de Arte public, Valencia, Spain. From 2nd October until 22nd. 
2017- Rumos, Itau Cultural. São Paulo, Brasil.  30th August, 2017. 
2017- Feira SP Foto. São Paulo. Brasil. Agosto. 2017
2017- Spring Show at SCI-Arc, Los Angeles. May, 2017.
2017- "Um Recorte da Fotografia Brasileira", São Paulo, Brazil. Curator Valu Oria. From June 22nd until July 1st. 2017- Feira SP Arte. São Paulo, Brazil. May, 2017

2016- Wenzhou International Design Biennal, China. From Sept 20th until Nov 20th.
2016- Mostra URBE Public Art. From Nov 12 -26. Commission Sweet Reflection project. São Paulo, Bom Retiro, Parque da Luz.
2016- Experimenta Recharge National Tour at Anne & Gordon Samstag Museum of Art , SA. From 19 Aug until 23 Sept. 
2016- Experimenta Recharge National Tour at La Trobe Regional Gallery, VIC. From 14 May until 3 July.
2016- FILE International Festival of Electronic Language, São Paulo, Brazil. From July 11 until 21 August.
2016- SP ARTE FAIR, Brazil. From 7-10 April.
2016- Experimenta Recharge National Tour at Albury LibraryMuseum, NSW. From 27 Feb until April 27.
2016- Psicossomáticos. Temporada de Projetos, Paço das Artes, São Paulo, Brazil. From 28 Jan until 28 March.

2015- Experimenta Recharge National Tour at Warrnanbool Art Gallery, VIC. From 5 Dec until 7 Feb.
2015- Experimenta Recharge National Tour at The Lock Up Cultural Centre, Newcastle, Australia. From July 11th until August 9th.
2015- Vivid Light Festival, Sydney, Australia. From May 22nd until June 8th.
2015- FRIDGE Exhibition at Entretempo Kitchen Gallery curated by Paz Ponce. Berlin. From April 24th until May 25th.
2015- Bouillants. Art numérique, multimédia & citoyenneté, France. From April 4th until May 31st. Curated exhibition by Gaetan Allin. .    
2015- Experimenta. Recharge. The 6th International Biennial of Media Art. National Tour in Mildura. From 5th of March until 12th of April, 2015. Curated exhibition by Jonathan Parsons.
2015- JUSTMAD06. Emergent Art Fair. From Feb 25th until March 1st. Madrid, Spain.
2015- ARCO Madrid 2015. From Feb 25th until March 1st.
2015- Excusa Argumental, MAC La Coruña, From January 22th until March 15th. Curated exhibition by Ignacio Garcia.

2014- The IT Show, Kuntquartier Bethanien, Berlin. December 5th. 
2014- Datastravaganza, 401contemporary Gallery, Berlin. From December 6th until 29 of February. 
2014- Chicks on Speed Show at RadialSystem, produced by 401contemporary, Berlin. Dec 6th.
2014- THE ART OF LIVING TOGETHER. Galerie Wedding. Berlin. From 14th of dec until 24st of January, 2015.
2014- Experimenta. Recharge. The 6th International Biennial of Media Art. Sydney, Australia. From 28th of November until 21st of February, 2015.
2014- Exhibition at Edith-Russ-Haus in Odenbourg, Germany. From 10th October until January 11th. 
2014- 13 Mostra Internacional. MAC Museum of Contemporary Art Fenosa, La Coruña, Spain. From 28 July until 28 September.
2014- A Window in Berlin. From 20th of June until 2nd of August. 
2014- Interactivos: Responsive and immersive future technologies at MAC Birmingham. From 16-30th of June.
2014- GenderBlender Exhibition at MU in Eindhoven, The Netherlands. From June 6th until 17th August.
2014- O Artista e a Bola na OCA em São Paulo. De 5 a 29 de Junho.
2014- "Desde la mimesis a la ficcíon y viceversa" at Adora Calvo Gallery, from March 1st until Feb 1st. Curated by Araceli Corbo. 2014. ARCO Madrid. From 19 – 23 feb, 2014, Spain.

2013- Commission of new work at SP Urban Digital Festival, São Paulo, Brazil. November 4th. until 28th.
2013- Onirical Reflections. Anaisa Franco. Individual at Charlot Gallery, Paris. France. From Nov 27th until Dec 27th.
2013- Onirical Fluctuations. Anaisa Franco. Individual at Galeria Central, São Paulo. Brazil. From Nov 6th until Dec 6th.
2013- Save the Date. Anual de Arte no MAB-FAAP. From 13th Nov until 23 February.
2013- Gare St Sauveur. Lille, France. From May 2nd until September 7th . 
2013- EXIT festival. Paris, France. From April 4-14th .
2013- VIA festival. Maubeuge, France. From March 14-24th .
2013- ARCOmadrid 2013. Adora Calvo Gallery. Madrid, Spain. From February13-17th.
2013- Elas Fan Tech. La Coruña, Spain. From January 21st until March 3rd.

2012- The Fourth Westlake International Invitational Sculpture Exhibition. Hangzhou, China. 23 nov (permanent piece).
2012- JUST MAD MIA art Fair. 6-9 December. Adora Calvo Gallery. Miami. USA. 
2012- Estampa, Feria de Arte Múltipla. Matadero, Madrid. From 25 to 28 October.
2012- FAD Festival de Arte Digital. From 5th October until 16th November. Funarte, Belo Horizonte, Brasil. 
2012- SP Arte, São Paulo. From 10 – 13 May, 2012. Central Gallery. 
2012- ARCO Madrid, Spain. From 15-19 February. 
2012- Europalia, Bruxelas, Bélgica. Curator Sonia Salcedo. FromOctober 12th until January 15th.

2011- Moscow Art Fair. Adora Calvo Gallery. Moscow, Rússia. From 21-25th September, 2011
2011- SP-Arte/Foto 2011. São Paulo. Galeria Central. 15,16 e 17 de Setembro. 
2011- Eletropixel Festival. Nantes, France. From May 12th until 18th. 
2011- LOOP Festival. Mobile Art at Fundacion Francisco Godia, Barcelona, Spain. From May 12th until June 18th. 
2011-ThoughtOut Breathing, Anaisa Franco. Individual at Adora Calvo gallery, Salamanca, Spain. From May 6th until June 6th.
2011- Lille, Gare St Sauveur, França. From April 13th until August 14th. 
2011- VIA Festival. Maubeuge, França. From March 24th until April 3th. 
2011- Exit Festival. Maison des Arts de Creteil, França. From March 10th until 20th.
2011- Live Ammo, MOCA Museum of Contemporary Art. Taipei, Taiwan. Curated by HongJohn Lin. From February 25th until April 13th. 
2011- ARCO Fair, Madrid, Spain. From February 16th until 20th. Received BEEP ARCOmadrid Prize.
2011- Mostra LABMIS. MIS Museum of Image and Sound, São Paulo, Brazil. From November 16th until January 9th.

2010- PhotoTaipei. Taiwan. From December 16th until 20th.
2010- Mostra LabMIS at MIS, São Paulo, Brasil. From November 16th until January 16th. 
2010- TÉKHNE. at MAB Museum of Brazilian Art. São Paulo, Brazil. From September 12th until November 12th.
2010- “Dream Machines” at Veredas Space, São Paulo, Brasil. From September 10th until 1st October.
2010- ArteSantander, Santander, Spain. From 21 until 25 July at Adora Calvo Gallery.
2010- Sonarmática, Sonar 2010. CCCB, Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona. Barcelona. From 16 until 18 June.
2010- Young Art Taipei, Taiwán. From 13 until 16 May, 2010 at Adora Calvo Gallery.  
2010-  Dorkbot Barcelona. Hangar, Barcelona, Spain. 28 Abril.
2010-10 Miradas, Palacio Garci Grande, Salamanca, Spain. From March 8th until April 8th.
2010- Anaisa Franco & Olga Diego at Adora Calvo Gallery., Salamanca Spain. From March 6th until April 6th.

2009- Mostra LabMIS, MIS Museu da Imagem e do Som, São Paulo, Brasil. From Nov 11th until Jan 11th. 
2009- Fusion Folks, Taipei, Taiwan. From August 28th until November 1st.
2009- FAD- Festival de Arte Digital. Belo Horizonte, Brazil. From March 12th until 15th.

2008- Piksel08. How does code dream?. FromDecember 12th until January 15th. Bergen, Norway.
2008- Move Digital. From november 13th until 16th. A Coruna, Spain.
2008- 5th Seoul International Media Art Biennale. From 12th September until November. Seoul, Korea.
2008- Medialab Prado, Interactivos?. From 30th may to 23th september. Madrid, Spain.
2008- FILE (International Festival of electronic language). From 4th August until 31th. São Paulo, Brazil.
2008- Exhibition Continuum Electronica at l'Estruch Gallery. From 4th until 27th of April. Barcelona, Spain.
2008- Netmage Festival. From 24th until 28th January. Bologna, Italy.

2007- 9th Annual Backup_festival. From 18th until 21st October. Weimar, Germany.
2007- CologneOFF Film Festival and NewMediaFest 2007 Cologne OFF III. Toon! Toon! art cartoons and animated narratives. November. Cologne, German.
2007- Media Lab Madrid, Interactivos?, From 25th may until 30th june. Madrid, Spain.
2007- SLOW exhibition, Plymouth Art Centre. From 19th of January until 18th of March 2007. Plymouth, England.

2006-19th Edition of MIX NYC, 3LD Art & Technology Center. From 8th to 13th November. New York, USA. 
2006- Art Concept Festival. From 24th august 27th. Saint Petesburgh, Rússia.
2006- Media Art Festival. From 13th September until 1st October. Friesland.
2006- Ways of looking Places and Landscapes, Fundacion Telefonica. Peru, Lima.

2005- 15° Vídeo Brasil, Sesc Pompéia, São Paulo, Brazil.
2005- Mostra do Audio Visual Paulista, São Paulo, Brazil.
2005- 1° Festival de Vídeo Macadamia, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

2004- FILE (International Festival of electronic language). São Paulo, Brazil.
2004- SRV 2004- Participation at Symposium on Virtual Reality at Senac University, São Paulo, Brazil.

2003- 35º Anual de arte FAAP, São Paulo, Brazil.
2002- 34º Anual de arte FAAP. Prize 1° place. One year scholarship at FAAP, São Paulo, Brazil.

AWARDS and Residences

2022- EMBRACED LOOP, Won Public Art competition for Permanent Public Art located in Dublin, Ireland.
2022- VIBRANT MERIDIAN, NY State, USA. Won International competition for Permanent Public Art at Nanotechnology Center Marcy Nanocenter.
2020- TRINITY LOOP, Ireland. Permanent Public Art commissioned by Per Cent for Art scheme.
2021- ENTANGLEMENTS, Sydney. Won competition for temporary Public Art commissioned by VIVID Sydney. Work was produced but not exhibited because of COVID.
2020- WAVE OF RAINBOW, France. Awarded production for temporary Public Art commissioned by Annecy Paysages.
2018- Jury selection of 21st Japan Media Arts Festival.
2018- Residence Homeostase at FABLAB Garagem in São Paulo. 3 months.
2017- Award RUMOS PRIZE Itaú Cultural. São Paulo, Brazil. Production grant.
2017- Award XX Mostra de Arte Público, Valencia, Spain
2016- Award SCI-ARC scholarship to do one year of Master of Architecture, March 1 at SCI-ARC in Los Angeles.
2015- Award Production grant from VIVID SYDNEY + residence at UTS to develop the project Heart of the City.
2015- Award Premios OA Foundation de arte electrónico experimental y seleccionados JUSTECH 15
2014- Award EMARE prize to do a residence in “Creative and Cognition Studios” at UTS in Sydney, Australia.
2014- Award the Edith-Russ-Haus Award for Emerging Media Artists in Germany with Devenir: An Interface of Gender fluctuation.
2014- Residence at ZKU in Berlin, 6 months
2014- Residence Interactivos? Medialab Prado in MAC Birmingham. 
2014- Residence commission at MAC Contemporary Art Museum in La Coruña. Spain. May and June 2014. 2 months.
2012- Residence at Cite des Arts in Paris, grant from FAAP. 6 months
2011- Award VI Edition of  ARCOmadrid/BEEP Electronic Art Award. 
2011- Residence at Lestruch in Barcelona. 3 Months.
2010- Residence at Hangar in Barcelona. Financed by MIS. 3 months
2009- Residence in Tapei Artist Village, Taipei, Taiwan. 2 months
2009- Residence at MIS, Museu de Imagem e do Som, São Paulo, Brazil. Start March 2009. Grant from the Museum MIS. 3 months
2008- Residence Interactivos? Vision Play at Medialab Prado in Madrid. 
2007- Residence Proyecto Expansion Digital at Mecad-ESDi, Barcelona. 4 months.
2007- Residence Interactivos? Magic and Technology at Medialab Prado in Madrid
2007- Award Alban Scholarship to do MA Digital Art and Technology at University of Plymouth, UK.
2005- Award “honorable mention” at 6° Prêmio Sergio Motta de Arte e Tecnologia in São Paulo, Brazil.
2002- Award 34º Anual de arte FAAP. Prize 1° place. One year scholarship at FAAP, São Paulo, Brazil.

© Anaisa Franco Studio •  All Rights Reserved.